June 28, 2022
Breadd has been a part of Kingston Plaza for over 13 years. The Breadd team love their regular customers and fellow retail workers from other stores, of which many have become "Breadd Family" over the years. Did you know the name "Breadd" was derived on a weekend get together with friends in Sydney close to 20 years ago. Their passion for the beautiful Turkish bread they produce lead to this simple name, and it is still humorous to the them to hear some customers pronounce it Bread-d. You also may not know this, but Breadd are a large contributor to Foodbank and various other charity organisations who help to feed many in need. The team at Breadd are truly happy to share their quality products. For more information including viewing their range of products or making an online order, visit their website - https://breadd.com.au/ Love Local, Shop Local, Act Local at Kingston Plaza.